Use the ‘Subscribe’ button above to enter your details at Paypal to make 8 weekly payments, totalling $250. If you have a Creative Kids voucher, you can email the voucher to us and choose the lower option in the dropdown menu.
Payments will commence on the subscription date and end with the 8th payment. Your payment includes 8 weeks of group tuition, one A4 exercise book, one pen, and one copy of our annual book of stories. New enrolments will also receive one copy of either How to Write Your Best Story Ever! or How to be a Young #Writer.
This payment plan only applies to one term of workshops. You can renew your plan at the commencement of each term, as required.
By submitting your payment form, you acknowledge that you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Hunter Valley Writers is a trading name of Anketangl Pty Ltd. All services will be provided by Anketangl Pty Ltd and its agents.
We do not accept enrolments without full payment.
Term fees are due and owing in full at the commencement of each term. We may accept weekly payments, at our complete discretion, provided that you submit a Paypal payment agreement via our website.
There are no refunds for missed sessions. All fees are non-refundable.
If fees are not paid by the due date your child will not be able to participate in further sessions until all outstanding fees are paid.
Weekly Fees can be paid by:
Paypal Deposit or Credit Card via the Paypal ‘submit’ button on this page.
It is important that you contact us if your child is going to be absent from a session. If a student misses 3 or more classes in a term without notification we will assume that student is not returning and their position will be reopened for other enrolments.
We reserve the right to make archival photographic and/or visual recordings of our sessions for use in our marketing publications, including on our website and social media pages.
Children are supervised for the entire session and are not permitted to leave the premises unless pre-arranged by the student’s parent/guardian.
Hunter Valley Writers will not be held responsible for loss or damage of personal belongings.
All of our students have the right to feel safe to express themselves in our sessions without fear of ridicule, bullying behaviour or physical harm. If any student is in breach of this expectation, we have the authority to exclude them indefinitely without a refund.
By submitting your payment form you are stating that you understand, acknowledge and agree with these terms and conditions.
Failing to adhere to these terms and conditions means you could be in breach of your enrolment agreement. This could result in a forfeit of your child’s position in any subsequent sessions.
PLEASE NOTE: All information in this document is true and accurate at the time of publication. Changes can and will occur from time to time.
Thanks so much,
Hunter Valley Writers